ACRES Scheme
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What is the ACRES Scheme?
The ACRES scheme is a new agri-environmental climate program in Ireland with the primary objective of assisting farmers in enhancing biodiversity,
mitigating climate impacts, and improving air and water quality within their agricultural operations.
Under the ACRES scheme, farmers are presented with an array of actions to select from, taking into accounttheir specific location,
land type, and environmental objectives.
Notably, certain actions within the scheme are outcome-driven, meaning that farmers are compensated based on the actual environmental results they achieve.
While the program is accessible to all farmers, a priority system is in place based on land with greater environmental significance.
Please see below for examples of hedgerow and tree plantings:
For more information, please visit the ACRES official website which can be found here,
or contact us in the office:
Phone: +353 (0)44 9226394